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Introductions & What I Think

Hello all, thought I'd give an introductory to myself. Not going to tell you everything in case someone wants to steal my identity and use it in illegal ways.

My name is Steve C, born and raised in a small town East of Manchester (UK) called Ashton-under-Lyne, a true Northerner. But aside from my North Western England roots, I am from a Chinese/Toaist family background. Yup, I'm what you call a "BBC" - British Born Chinese (well Cantonese if you want to get technical).

Anyway, enough of me know, if you wanna know more about just let me know. I guess everyone likes to talk about themselve.

Back to today, had to work from home today, without much success. I had to take my wife to the doctors as we discovered two Friday's ago that she is pregnant! So at the tender age of 25, I shall be a father. Scary huh?

I thought that too. I've still set to steady myself and find footing (or is it pace?) in this human rat race, and my wife will be bringing another human being to this world. Maybe this will steady me.

Anyway, as for work, I was working from home, and had some difficulties in getting some of my tasks done, oh did I tell you? I'm a software developer. I write software. You might be saying "geek!", but it can be interesting, honest! Don't worry I don't work for Mr. Gates, never really liked him.

I'm sorry if this isn't flowing as it should, I'm new and I'm just putting my thoughts down, and my thoughts tend to jump around a lot, I have the attention span of a goldfish its true.

I saw a programme on BBC3 (a digital channel in the UK), called "Sweet & Sour" - a comedy sketch produced, directed and acted by BBCs (British Born Chinese, don't get confused now). IT WAS CRAP. Half of the cast where not Chinese, the sketches are done in front of a blue/green screen with badly drawn backgrounds. It was cringing to watch, and felt rather embaressed by the jokes and so-called funny gags which were related to the Chinese people in the UK. But 10/10 for trying! At least someone is making an effort!

Sure we have to laugh at ourselves sometimes, and its fine, but at least make an effort with the gags. Maybe there wasn't enough BBCs to do the show? I don't know, all first/second generation UK Chinese are busy with their careers (lawyers, doctors, pharmicists, opticians, dentists and of course, software developer), the Chinese people are really under represented in the media.

I mean look at the Asian community (Indian, Pakistani, Bengali etc.), they have there own radio shows and satellite TV programs years ago, while the Chinese community had to rely on their relatives to record the shows/programmes in Hong Kong and send them over. It was only recently that satellite TVB (TVB a Hong Kong TV network) reached Western shores.

Another thing that ticks me off is the BBC's (British Broadcasting Corporation) launch of the new digital radio station "Asian Network". Excuse, me? Asian? Only Indian and Pakistani music/talks are broadcasted, whatever happened the Chinese related shows? Are the Chinese not Asian too? Maybe they have to rethink the name of the radio station in my humble opinion.

I'm so sick of being under-represented. I mean has there been a Chinese MP? If there is, I sure would like to know his/her name. Chinese DJ? Nope. Chinese soap actor? Not many. What the hell is going on? Do we not exist in the UK? Do we not bring diversity and culture? Do we not pay taxes and TV licences to these institutes?

Maybe I should write a sit-com based on a Chinese family living in Manchester, and then become a MP for my local area.....

Just thoughts....


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