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New Day... the office. More work to be done, more programming to hack, and to add to that, its nice and sunny outside....fiddlesticks.

For some reason, I keep on changing the name of this blog, I still can't decide on what I should call it. Any suggestions?

Just remembered the other day I was watching the BBCs Best British Sit-com, in which "Only Fools & Horses" won. Although very good, I really wanted "Blackadder" to win (it came in second nonetheless).

Nothing delights me more that to watch Edmund Blackadder to makes his jaunts and jibes at the cruel world which he is so pitifully put in. Although the shenanigans and trouble he gets into is mostly his fault, it further deepens when his dim sidekick Baldrick gets involved - ah, you just gotta see it.

I have noticed lately that I have been watching nothing but sit-coms or comedy sketches. Maybe I am trying to devoid myself of the cruel reality. I find life hard enough as it is without coming home and switch on the TV and watch dramas about murders and see that on the news that there is another suicidal bombing somewhere in the world. Its just too depressing. I think people should just lighten-up a little.

There's seems to be a lot of news with regards to the MP3 downloading problem. I don't understand why to be honest. No matter what the music industry does, it will never get ahead of the underground people who find new, innovative ways to distribute music. These people are always seem to be a step ahead. Maybe the music industry should employ these people to help them develop products/services?

Do I donwload music? Yeah, sometimes. But my taste in music is very strange and obscure. I tend to listen Japanese chart music, or Japanese soundtracks from Animes. Where the hell do I go to buy such CDs in the UK? No where in my experience. There was one place in North London, but that has gone now, so where now? Internet of course!

Well, I run out of things to say, as my life isn't that exciting, so all I have is my thoughts and ideas. Hope it doesn't bore you too much.

OK, back to work, more Perl programming....oh there's a Llama on my reference

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