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The Longest Week Of My Life....

Well actually, both my life and Chien-yu's life. Mother and baby came back home on Saturday the 6th November. Everything was ready at home, the cot, the heating was on and the nappies were ready.

We thought we were prepared......and we were so not prepared.

Just the other day, I had to bath baby Amelie. It was stressful. Amelie really doesn't like her baths, so it had to be done quick... 10 minutes flat.

Chien-yu and I have also lost a lot of sleeping hours too. It was kind of expected, but it was pretty hard to get used too. My friend Susan just told me that we were actually lucky. She knows of other mothers at her workplace, and they get less sleep!

Fingers crossed, lets hope that stays the same!

There have also been a lot of nappy changing. I'm getting quite good at it now. Sure, there are occasions when Amelie still cries and screams, but there are occasions when she's quiet as a mouse and I think, actually enjoys the nappy change. (who wouldn't after a big poo huh?). The funny thing was when I was changing her today. There a little deposit in the nappy, that was cool, then just as I just wiped the mess away from her bottom, MORE started to come....nightmare. I wasted 3 nappies in just one change. It was like a lava-flow of yellow poo....fantastic(!). (sorry to those who are having their lunch/dinner while reading this). Chien-yu and I couldn't stop laughing. I wiped her clean, and then more came along... it seemed never-ending!

Anyhow, enough of my ramble. Here's more pictures for you to peruse at. I'm writing this as a diary/journal, so that when Amelie is old enough to read, she would know how we cared for her!

As usual, the files may take a while to load as they are quite big.

01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07
08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14



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