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Rainy Weekend

What a way to end the weekend, being soaked top-to-bottom in heavy rain! It came very suddenly and we just wanted to get home, so we took the chance and ran all the way home in the rain. It was refreshing actually, I have had a lot on my mind recently and the being soaked certainly gave the brain a bit of a reboot. But then I realised Taiwan rain is quite acidic, not a good thing.

Anyhow, I have updated my homepage with something useful for the lunch hours. Its a random lunch selector, which basically displays a picture of a local eatery which we would go to for lunch. It has been pain in the rear-end when deciding where to go for lunch. There are so many choices in the area where I work, so having something like this may ease the troublesome decision which we all make on a daily basis.

I've also made use of the ned 8MB ADSL line by doing a bit of downloading and listening to online radio. Certainly makes a difference and if you guys can get it, then get it! I just read that BT have just started to roll-out 8MB broadband too in a package called BT Total Broadband. It looks like they are finally catching up!

Amelie as usual have been very active and naughty. She was trying to put her shoes on herself but got rather worked up and threw a bad tantrum, throwing her shoes and toys everywhere. So far to go in the battle called fatherhood...

Over the weekend, we took a trip to Ikea near the Xinpu MRT station. We was amazed that they played a lot of English songs, which gave a homely feel. Amelie had a lot of fun playing with the dummy notebooks, banging away on the keyboard while sitting on a bed. Can't wait to get our own place. It will be definately be an Ikea home!

Anyway, here's a picture I took of one of the buildings at the Ren-Ai Road round-about. It reflected a copper-like light which looked rather interesting.


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