And what have I got to show for? Nothing really. I still can't get my notebook connected to my router wirelessly, so have given up on it. I even tried to install a USB wireless dongle from D-Link (which I borrowed from my good friend Mary), but still no joy. The thing didn't even light up. I fear I may owe Mary a new one!
The brother-in-law, Shu-yu was here this weekend, because my father-in-law didn't come this weekend to take him to his grandmother's place in Hsin Chu. I guess he's OK, and we decided to take him with us to the big Ikea store to get lunch and have a bit of exercise, which is fine. OK, you must be thinking, "something happened to you again Steven?", and my answer to that is "YOU DAMN RIGHT". Chien-yu and I had already decided to go to Ikea (with Mary) and decided to take her brother anyway, but the thing which I got to me was my useless mother-in-law already assumed we was going to look after Shu-yu. It didn't occured to her that she should at least ask us whether its OK to take her son out. We didn't tell her we was going until the moment we was heading for the front door, so she didn't know before hand whether we were going out or not. She just assumes we would look after him, take him out and buy him lunch and dinner, without so much as a peep in asking myself or even her daughter (my wife). On top of that, why can't she look after her son for the weekend? On the rare occassion that he's in the city with her, the mother-in-law cannot even be bothered to take her own son out to see things and eat some nice lunch/dinner. No, she rather sits at home or sleep. What's worse, she accuses of us for being ashamed of taking Shu-yu with us to go to places and see people. I personally it is actually her who is ashamed of taking her own son to see people and visit places. Avvid readers, you might ask "why, what's wrong your brother-in-law?". My answer to that is "nothing, apart from that he is 33 years old, but has a mental age of a 7 year old, he's mentally disabled to a certain extent". I really don't mind taking him out with us. We have actually taken him out to see people a visit places on many occassions since we have arrived in Taiwan a year ago. Not once have I seen her mother, during this year, actually taking her son anywhere or to see anyone. This is you own son for Christ sake! At least pretend he is related to you!
That was Saturday. Today (Sunday), we woke pretty late, nearing to lunchtime, and as usual went out to the kitchen to make a bottle of milk for Amelie when I saw Shu-yu sitting in the kitchen on his own, eating some sort of fried pancake and drinking one of those Quaker wheat milk drinks for lunch. The mother-in-law is sitting outside in the living area, watching TV munching on some other food which she had cooked for herself. She didn't even cook a proper lunch for her own son! I took pity on him and offered him some pizza which we ordered while the mother-in-law was sleeping after her lunch. I'm dreading on what Shu-yu is going to have for dinner later tonight.
Once again, the mother-in-law has notched up a few more "bitch-points" on my score card.