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Gaming Addiction

Addiction to games? Want to kick the habit or control it? Well a clinic has been set up in Amsterdam that offers treatment to people who are addicted to gaming. Can anyone be that addicted? Well the BBC's article mentioned a patient called Tim. He has four separate televisions, one for each gaming console and a notebook to do online gaming. He spends 17 hours a day playing games and pees in a bottle because he can't bear to pull himself away from the gaming screen. Tim, didn't you know that pressing the "start" button actually pauses the game?

Apparently there was a man from South Korea who died after playing online games for 50 hours non-stop. Man, that's got to be overkill.

Can anyone be that addicted to games? I like to play games too, but I don't think I can ever take to the level which this guy Tim can do it. Also, he must have a lot of money too.

Are you addicted to games and gaming?


hsuyo said…
No one would be addicted to games or gaming only if there are four televisions around him!
Steve C:\> said…
True, but it would be better if the TV he has is 55 inches big. Hang on, don't we know someone who has such a big TV? :-P

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