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Amelie's (Cold) Update

After coming back from Hank's home, Amelie woke up this morning with a rather runny nose and sneezing a lot. Looks like we'll all be getting this cold sooner or later and its going to do the rounds. I myself right now is feeling a little woozy.

Despite her cold and wiping her nose all over the bed linen, she is still energetic and running around a lot. She's craving for her mother's attention too to make her feel a little more comfortable.

I think she is developing on track too. Although her vocabulary is still a little small, she can say a few words like, Mama, Baba, Bu Yau/Yau (don't want in Mandarin), Hau Chi (Good To Eat), Hau Her (Good To Drink), Yes (in English!), Butterfly, Flower, Fish and Gogo WonnWonn (Doggy Woof Woof in Mandarin) and of course Kaukau (sleep in Cantonese). She can even remark "Oh Dear!" when something goes wrong! She has others too, but these are the ones she uses most often!

Chien-yu just had an interesting conversation with Amelie. Chien asked "Are you mad?", and Amelie replied "No no!". Chien then asked, "Are you sure?", and Amelie replied "I'm good!". Looks like her brain is working overtime! She can start to string some sentences together. Thank the heavens.

Its pretty tough, because she is hearing at least three languages in and outside the house. Sometimes she may get confused, but she gets the idea and meaning with practise. Lets hope her little brain can cope with it all.


Anonymous said…
She can also say: "Open" in both languages ("Kai" in mandarin and Opu <-- still can't pronouce very well), Meow meow (when she sees a cat), Tweet-tweet(when she sees anything with a beak), Car booboo (and in mandarin , too), Go (when she goes out), count number 1~2, cacoon (but pronouce as "cacoo"), she can also able to pronouce almost 26 alphabets except some tricky ones like "F", "H", "W", "X" (but she only knows the first few like A B C), apple (pronouce as appu and she can differentiate the fruits, too!!), banana (pronouce as "bnana"). Just want to note this down so when she grows up, she can know how funny the way she is talking now.

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