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DNSChanger & - What A Bastard

My computer had been recently hit by the DNSChanger and the virus. It was quite a pain to get rid off. But, with thanks to Google and some time to seach through its results, I finally found a couple of solutions.

For DNSChanger, a virus (or trojan? I can never understand the difference), it basically hi-jacks your network connections and sets the DNS server of your computer to something else. You can find out more of how the DNSChanger virus/trojan works from this YouTube video here. As the video suggests, your best bet to get rid of DNSChanger is to install Malwarebytes application, let it run a scan and rid yourself of this annoying bugger. Malwarebytes is a freeware, although you can upgrade it by paying some money so that it auto-protects your computer. The freeware version doesn't auto protect, but you can run it manually when you think you have something on your system. It will help identify and remove many of the tricky viruses and trojans. Do remember to run a quick update before you start a scan so that you are scanning your computer with the latest definitions and updates.

Now, for What a bastard. I discovered I had this because whenever I double-clicked on the C:\ or D:\ driver from "My Computer", it would open a separate window, or a error message mentioning the "rescyled" folder. Again, Google comes to the aid and after a bit of looking around, I came across this very useful article. The instructions for removal involved search through the Windows registry and deleting some entries, and also deleting some select folders and files at the root folder of each drive. Its quite complicated, but if you follow the instructions in the article carefully, you should be OK to get rid of this virus/trojan. Please note, the author of the article does refer as "the little bugger", but its a bit of an understatement. Its more of a "little bastard".


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