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Showing posts from August, 2006

広末涼子 Ryoko Hirosue - Summer Sunset

My all time favourite J-idol. The first time I saw her was in a J-drama series called "Beach Boy", playing the character "Makoto". Since then, I have tried to watched her drama serious and started to listen to her music. Its been a long time since I knew what was going on with her life. It seems she has fallen from grace a little, with Japanese telecoms giant DoCoMo pulling her contract out for their adverts and several incidents at a Japanese club. She wasn't diong well at all, but she still has a lot of work going for her. News has it that she has also given birth to a baby boy too. Congradulations to her and I wish her the very best. As homage to Ryoko, I will be posting some of her music videos (courtesy of here for you to enjoy. Obviously her music is not to everyone's taste, but nevertheless, this is my blog and I like her music. This one is called "Summer Sunset".

Night Shots

I have been experimenting with the Lumix FX-01's capabilities in taking night shots. Here are some night scenary shots taken near the Shinkong shopping malls. I personally they look pretty good, and I have started to develop a liking to taking city night life pictures and scene, so in future, I will take some more. By the way, the tripod is ESSENTIAL!

Operation A8

After a lot of discussion and of course gossiping at the lab, we decided to make a venture to Shinkong's A8, where our colleague Alex's love interest works as a sales assistant for jewellery. We all have been giving Alex a lot of tips and advice to impress the girl and for Alex to win the girl's heart. Especially the seasoned pros like David L and Hank (his "father") had been giving advice for almost two weeks. Let's hope something works out for Alex. Her photo had been doing the rounds before we went out on our operation, and there have been a general consensus that she looks very pretty, and quite a match for Alex. Even our David H went "Oooh!" when he first saw the picture. So she's got to be something eh? However of course, what we've seen on the photograph may not be a full representation of what the A8 girl is actually like. So commenced Operation "A8". On Thursday, we decided to get together for dinner at Niko Niko, a m...

Strippers At Funerals? Only In China...And They Going To Ban It

Came across this interesting news article from the BBC . They reported that they are going to ban a local rural tradition of hiring strippers at funerals. Why strippers at funerals? Well the local people in Donghai believes the more people that attends one's funeral, the more honoured that one will be in the sending off to the after-life. But where's the honour in that? Just because a bunch of sex-craved drunk passer-bys attends your funeral, does that make you more honourable? Man, I swear, although I love my heritage, there's are also something which makes you think again. I certainly don't want a stripper at my funeral to attract people who I don't know in my sending off! But my mates in UK may disagree and think otherwise. Maybe this will catch on in other places and become fashionable?

New Look

I recently changed the template on my blog, since the last one was doing something weird. On my work computer, the green image which it uses as part of the header seemed to have disappeared, which meant the header title was invisible. Pooey! So I changed it to a different one, one which doesn't used images (in case images are blocked). I think the new look isn't bad, and still gentle to the eyes to the reader. What do you think? I've also added links to my favourite places on the web and links to other blogs, not to mention the new food links! On the home front, Amelie is still having her cold, but its clearing up now. Sadly Chien-yu has seem to caught it, so it looks like its doing the rounds. It would be me soon I think, so I'm pumping myself full of vitamin C to boost the immune system a little. Chien-yu is going to the hospital on Friday night for a small operation, so its going to be a busy weekend for all of us. Its nothing major, so don't worry! She...

Amelie's (Cold) Update

After coming back from Hank's home, Amelie woke up this morning with a rather runny nose and sneezing a lot. Looks like we'll all be getting this cold sooner or later and its going to do the rounds. I myself right now is feeling a little woozy. Despite her cold and wiping her nose all over the bed linen, she is still energetic and running around a lot. She's craving for her mother's attention too to make her feel a little more comfortable. I think she is developing on track too. Although her vocabulary is still a little small, she can say a few words like, Mama, Baba, Bu Yau/Yau (don't want in Mandarin), Hau Chi (Good To Eat), Hau Her (Good To Drink), Yes (in English!), Butterfly, Flower, Fish and Gogo WonnWonn (Doggy Woof Woof in Mandarin) and of course Kaukau (sleep in Cantonese). She can even remark "Oh Dear!" when something goes wrong! She has others too, but these are the ones she uses most often! Chien-yu just had an interesting conversation wi...

David's Gathering...At Hank's Home

Saturday, and the weather turned out to be still OK, so we decided to go ahead with our planned gathering for at Hank's home on the mountains, Yang Min Shan. Gathering for what? Well its was just a gathering of close friends from work to wish David a sucessful journey to Seattle to continue up his academic ladder. He will be leaving in a couple of weeks time, and we would all miss his cheerful face and sunshine personality! Remember David, don't forget us donkeys at LSC! The journey to Hanks place (for Chien-yu, Amelie and I) started out at the intersection of Ren-Ai Road and Guang Fu South Road. We waited in the 3pm sun for Gavin and Alex to pick us up. On time Gavin arrived and we got into the car and off we went to get the drinks for the barbeque gathering. We went to a local Carrefour when we surprisingly bumped into the other group of friends who were in charge of getting the food! There we met David (star of the show), Vincent, Mary and Vanessa. From there we set...


We went for a night walk the other day, because Amelie was a little on the active side, and took her to S.Y.S Memorial Hall, not too far from home to give her a bit of a workout. On reaching there, we heard some rythmic drum beats echoing around the area. We got to the main entrance of the memorial hall and found a group of people practising Capoeria , a form of Brazillian martial art. It was fun to watch, and the drumbeats where really good, sounding out a Brazillian beat out over the memorial hall area. I took the opportunity to try out the camera in a night setting, taking moment pictures. Perhaps I've yet to get used to the new digital camera, and may not know all of its functions, but the pictures I took were pretty crap. On the other hand, the people practising Capoeria were pretty good, and moved very quickly with their various swing kicks and swift movements. All very exciting, and it was the first time I have seen it in action. The only place I have seen it is in th...